Source code for webgrid.testing

A collection of utilities for testing webgrid functionality in client applications
import re
from unittest import mock
import urllib

    import openpyxl
except ImportError:
    openpyxl = None
from pyquery import PyQuery
import sqlalchemy

def compiler_instance_factory(compiler, dialect, statement):  # noqa: C901
    class LiteralCompiler(compiler.__class__):
        def render_literal_value(self, value, type_):
            import datetime
            For date and datetime values, convert to a string
            format acceptable to the dialect. That seems to be the
            so-called ODBC canonical date format which looks
            like this:

                yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)

            For other data types, call the base class implementation.
            if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                return "'" + value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + "'"
            elif isinstance(value,
                return "'" + value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "'"
            elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
                return "'{:%H:%M:%S.%f}'".format(value)
            elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
                return str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, str):
                return f"'{value}'"
            elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(type_, sqlalchemy.ARRAY):
                elements = [
                    self.render_literal_value(list_val, type_.item_type)
                    for list_val in value
                return f"({', '.join(elements)})"
            elif value is None:
                return 'NULL'
                # Turn off double percent escaping, since we don't run these strings and
                # it creates a large number of differences for test cases
                with mock.patch.object(
                    return super(LiteralCompiler, self).render_literal_value(value, type_)

        def visit_bindparam(
                self, bindparam, within_columns_clause=False,
                literal_binds=False, **kwargs
            return super(LiteralCompiler, self).render_literal_bindparam(
                bindparam, within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause,
                literal_binds=literal_binds, **kwargs

        def visit_table(self, table, asfrom=False, iscrud=False, ashint=False,
                        fromhints=None, use_schema=True, **kwargs):
            """Strip the default schema from table names when it is not needed"""
            ret_val = super().visit_table(table, asfrom, iscrud, ashint, fromhints, use_schema,
            if == 'mssql' and ret_val.startswith('dbo.'):
                return ret_val[4:]
            return ret_val

        def visit_column(self, column, add_to_result_map=None, include_table=True, **kwargs):
            """Strip the default schema from table names when it is not needed"""
            ret_val = super().visit_column(column, add_to_result_map, include_table, **kwargs)
            if == 'mssql' and ret_val.startswith('dbo.'):
                return ret_val[4:]
            return ret_val

    return LiteralCompiler(dialect, statement)

[docs]def query_to_str(statement, bind=None): """ returns a string of a sqlalchemy.orm.Query with parameters bound WARNING: this is dangerous and ONLY for testing, executing the results of this function can result in an SQL Injection attack. """ if isinstance(statement, sqlalchemy.orm.Query): if bind is None: bind = statement.session.get_bind() statement = statement.statement elif bind is None: bind = statement.bind if bind is None: raise Exception('bind param (engine or connection object) required when using with an' ' unbound statement') dialect = bind.dialect compiler = statement._compiler(dialect) literal_compiler = compiler_instance_factory(compiler, dialect, statement) return 'TESTING ONLY BIND: ' + literal_compiler.process(statement)
def assert_in_query(obj, test_for): if hasattr(obj, 'build_query'): query = obj.build_query() else: query = obj query_str = query_to_str(query) assert test_for in query_str, query_str def assert_not_in_query(obj, test_for): if hasattr(obj, 'build_query'): query = obj.build_query() else: query = obj query_str = query_to_str(query) assert test_for not in query_str, query_str
[docs]def assert_list_equal(list1, list2): """ A list-specific equality assertion. This method is based on the Python `unittest.TestCase.assertListEqual` method. :param list1: :param list2: :return: """ # resolve generators list1, list2 = map(list, (list1, list2)) assert len(list1) == len(list2), \ 'Lists are different lengths: {} != {}'.format( len(list1), len(list2) ) if list1 == list2: # the lists are the same, we're done return # the lists are different in at least one element; find it # and report it for index, (val1, val2) in enumerate(zip(list1, list2)): assert val1 == val2, ( 'First differing element at index {}: {} != {}'.format( index, repr(val1), repr(val2) ) )
[docs]def assert_rendered_xlsx_matches(rendered_xlsx, xlsx_headers, xlsx_rows): """ Verifies that `rendered_xlsx` has a set of headers and values that match the given parameters. NOTE: This method does not perform in-depth analysis of complex workbooks! Assumes header rows and data rows are contiguous. Multiple worksheets or complex layouts *are not verified!* :param rendered_xlsx: binary data passed to openpyxl as file contents :param xlsx_headers: list of rows of column headers :param xlsx_rows: list of rows in order as they will appear in the worksheet """ assert rendered_xlsx if not openpyxl: raise Exception( 'openpyxl is required for webgrid testing helpers to read XLSX' ) book = openpyxl.load_workbook(rendered_xlsx.filename) assert len(book.sheetnames) >= 1 sheet = book[book.sheetnames[0]] # # verify the shape of the sheet # ## shape of rows (1 row for the headers, 1 for each row of data) nrows = len(xlsx_rows) if xlsx_headers: nrows += len(xlsx_headers) assert ( max([nrows, 1]) == sheet.max_row ), f'Sheet max row mismatch, {max([nrows, 1])} != {sheet.max_row}' # ## shape of columns ncols = max( max(len(values) for values in xlsx_headers) if xlsx_headers else 0, max(len(values) for values in xlsx_rows) if xlsx_rows else 0 ) assert ( max([ncols, 1]) == sheet.max_column ), f'Sheet max column mismatch, {max([ncols, 1])} != {sheet.max_column}' row_iter = sheet.iter_rows() expected_rows = (xlsx_headers or []) + (xlsx_rows or []) for row, expected_row in zip(row_iter, expected_rows): assert_list_equal( (cell.value for cell in row), expected_row )
[docs]class GridBase: """Base test class for Flask or Keg apps. Class Attributes: grid_cls: Application grid class to use during testing filters: Iterable of (name, op, value, expected) tuples to check for filter logic, or a callable returning such an iterable. `name` is the column key. `op` and `value` set the filter parameters. `expected` is either a SQL string or compiled regex to find when the filter is enabled. sort_tests: Iterable of (name, expected) tuples to check for sort logic. `name` is the column key. `expected` is a SQL string to find when the sort is enabled. """ grid_cls = None filters = () sort_tests = () @classmethod def setup_class(cls): if hasattr(cls, 'init'): cls.init()
[docs] def query_to_str(self, statement, bind=None): """Render a SQLAlchemy query to a string.""" return query_to_str(statement, bind=bind)
[docs] def assert_in_query(self, look_for, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Verify the given SQL string is in the grid's query. Args: look_for (str): SQL string to find. grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. """ grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) assert_in_query(grid, look_for)
[docs] def assert_not_in_query(self, look_for, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Verify the given SQL string is not in the grid's query. Args: look_for (str): SQL string to find. grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. """ grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) assert_not_in_query(grid, look_for)
[docs] def assert_regex_in_query(self, look_for, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Verify the given regex matches the grid's query. Args: look_for (str or regex): Regex to search (can be compiled or provided as string). grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. """ grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) query_str = self.query_to_str(grid.build_query()) if hasattr(look_for, 'search'): assert, \ '"{0}" not found in: {1}'.format(look_for.pattern, query_str) else: assert, query_str), \ '"{0}" not found in: {1}'.format(look_for, query_str)
[docs] def get_grid(self, grid_args, *args, **kwargs): """Construct grid from args and kwargs, and apply grid_args. Args: grid_args: grid query args Returns: grid instance """ grid = self.grid_cls(*args, **kwargs) grid.apply_qs_args(add_user_warnings=False, grid_args=grid_args) return grid
[docs] def get_session_grid(self, *args, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Construct grid from args and kwargs, and apply query string. Args: _query_string: URL query string with grid query args Returns: grid instance """ grid = self.grid_cls(*args, **kwargs) if grid.manager.request(): # request context already exists grid.apply_qs_args() else: url = f'/?{_query_string}' if _query_string else '/' with grid.manager.test_request_context(url=url): grid.apply_qs_args() return grid
[docs] def get_pyq(self, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Turn provided/constructed grid into a rendered PyQuery object. Args: grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. Returns: PyQuery object """ session_grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(**kwargs) if session_grid.manager.request(): # request context already exists html = session_grid.html() else: url = f'/?{_query_string}' if _query_string else '/' with session_grid.manager.test_request_context(url=url): html = session_grid.html() return PyQuery('<html>{0}</html>'.format(html))
[docs] def check_filter(self, name, op, value, expected): """Assertions to perform on a filter test. Args: name (str): Column key to filter. op (str): Filter operator to enable. value (Any): Filter value to assign. expected (str or regex): SQL string or compiled regex to find. """ qs_args = [('op({0})'.format(name), op)] if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for v in value: qs_args.append(('v1({0})'.format(name), v)) else: qs_args.append(('v1({0})'.format(name), value)) def sub_func(ex): query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(qs_args) if isinstance(ex, re.compile('').__class__): self.assert_regex_in_query(ex, _query_string=query_string) else: self.assert_in_query(ex, _query_string=query_string) # ensures the query executes and the grid renders without error self.get_pyq(_query_string=query_string) def page_func(): query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode([('onpage', 2), ('perpage', 1), *qs_args]) pg = self.get_session_grid(_query_string=query_string) if pg.page_count > 1: self.get_pyq(_query_string=query_string) if self.grid_cls.pager_on: page_func() return sub_func(expected)
[docs] def test_filters(self): """Use filters attribute/property/method to run assertions.""" if callable(self.filters): cases = self.filters() else: cases = self.filters for name, op, value, expected in cases: self.check_filter(name, op, value, expected)
[docs] def check_sort(self, k, ex, asc): """Assertions to perform on a sort test. Args: k (str): Column key to sort. ex (str or regex): SQL string to find. asc (bool): Flag indicating ascending/descending order. """ if not asc: k = '-' + k d = {'sort1': k} def sub_func(): query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(d) self.assert_in_query( 'ORDER BY %s%s' % (ex, '' if asc else ' DESC'), _query_string=query_string ) # ensures the query executes and the grid renders without error self.get_pyq(_query_string=query_string) return sub_func()
[docs] def test_sort(self): """Use sort_tests attribute/property to run assertions.""" for col, expect in self.sort_tests: self.check_sort(col, expect, True) self.check_sort(col, expect, False)
def _compare_table_block(self, block_selector, tag, expect): print(block_selector) assert len(block_selector) == len(expect) for row_idx, row in enumerate(expect): cells = block_selector.eq(row_idx).find(tag) assert len(cells) == len(row) for col_idx, val in enumerate(row): read = cells.eq(col_idx).text() assert read == val, 'row {} col {} {} != {}'.format(row_idx, col_idx, read, val)
[docs] def expect_table_header(self, expect, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Run assertions to compare rendered headings with expected data. Args: expect (list): List representation of expected table data. grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. """ d = self.get_pyq(grid, _query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) self._compare_table_block( d.find('table.records thead tr'), 'th', expect, )
[docs] def expect_table_contents(self, expect, grid=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): """Run assertions to compare rendered data rows with expected data. Args: expect (list): List representation of expected table data. grid (BaseGrid, optional): Grid to use instead of `self.get_session_grid`. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional args passed to `self.get_session_grid`. """ d = self.get_pyq(grid, _query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) self._compare_table_block( d.find('table.records tbody tr'), 'td', expect, )
[docs] def test_search_expr_passes(self, grid=None, _query_string=None): """Assert that a single-search query executes without error.""" grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string) if grid.enable_search: grid.records
[docs]class MSSQLGridBase(GridBase): """ MSSQL dialect produces some string oddities compared to other dialects, such as having the N'foo' syntax for unicode strings instead of 'foo'. This can clutter tests a bit. Using MSSQLGridBase will patch that into the asserts, so that look_for will match whether it has the N-prefix or not. """
[docs] def query_to_str_replace_type(self, compiled_query): """Same as query_to_str, but accounts for pyodbc type-specific rendering.""" query_str = self.query_to_str(compiled_query) # pyodbc rendering includes an additional character for some strings, # like N'foo' instead of 'foo'. This is not relevant to what we're testing. return re.sub( r"(\(|WHEN|LIKE|ELSE|THEN|[,=\+])( ?)N'(.*?)'", r"\1\2'\3'", query_str )
[docs] def assert_in_query(self, look_for, grid=None, context=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): session_grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) query_str = self.query_to_str(session_grid.build_query()) query_str_repl = self.query_to_str_replace_type(session_grid.build_query()) assert look_for in query_str or look_for in query_str_repl, \ '"{0}" not found in: {1}'.format(look_for, query_str)
[docs] def assert_not_in_query(self, look_for, grid=None, context=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs): session_grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) query_str = self.query_to_str(session_grid.build_query()) query_str_repl = self.query_to_str_replace_type(session_grid.build_query()) assert look_for not in query_str or look_for not in query_str_repl, \ '"{0}" found in: {1}'.format(look_for, query_str)
[docs] def assert_regex_in_query( self, look_for, grid=None, context=None, _query_string=None, **kwargs ): session_grid = grid or self.get_session_grid(_query_string=_query_string, **kwargs) query_str = self.query_to_str(session_grid.build_query()) query_str_repl = self.query_to_str_replace_type(session_grid.build_query()) if hasattr(look_for, 'search'): assert or, \ '"{0}" not found in: {1}'.format(look_for.pattern, query_str) else: assert, query_str) or, query_str_repl), \ '"{0}" not found in: {1}'.format(look_for, query_str)